MySQL Customer: datasíntese

"“We are very satisfied with MySQL HeatWave. We can elastically scale compute and storage and do not have to worry about the limitations of the old on-premises data center. We are now focused on enhancing our solutions beyond customer expectations thanks to Oracle Cloud.”"
Jorge Teruya, Database Administrator, datasíntese
Case Study
- datasíntese, leading Brazilian FinTech, boosts performance by 50% and slashes costs by migrating to MySQL HeatWave
- datasíntese, Fintech líder en Brasil, aumenta el rendimiento en un 50 % y reduce costos al migrar a MySQL HeatWave
- A Datasíntese, líder entre as fintechs brasileiras, aumenta seu desempenho em 50% e reduz os custos ao migrar para o MySQL HeatWave