Events & Conferences


MySQL Event

クラウドデータウェアハウスは絶対MySQL HeatWaveを見るまで決めるな!

24. Mai 2024, Tokyo, Japan

ビッグデータに繋げた複数のBIツールと標準装備の機械学習のデモンストレーションで確認するMySQL HeatWaveの実力。

DX推進支援の専門家 株式会社ジール様をお招きしたデータ活用セミナーです。




MySQL Event

MySQL HeatWave Lunch and Learn Las Vegas

30. Mai 2024, Las Vegas, United States

Join a complimentary lunch with us from, connect with local dolphins, and delve into the latest advancements on MySQL HeatWave.

MySQL HeatWave is the only fully managed database service that combines transactions, analytics, and machine learning services into one MySQL Database, without the complexity, latency, and cost of ETL duplication.

You will get to:

  • Hear the latest innovations on MySQL HeatWave around machine learning with AutoML, and Generative AI.
  • See more of MySQL HeatWave in action with live demos.
  • Engage with the local MySQL experts.

Seats are limited. Register today!

MySQL Event

MySQL Enterprise Workshop - Sandy, Utah

06. Juni 2024, Sandy, UT, United States

RSVP to this MySQL event to learn more about the new features included in MySQL Enterprise Edition Release 8.0 and how easy it is to upgrade to the latest version.