Toss Bank

Toss Bank Delivers Innovative Financial Services
with MySQL Enterprise Edition

"MySQL Enterprise Edition enabled us to deliver innovative banking services, and also become more competitive by returning the benefits of improved security and reduced IT costs to our customers."

Yeon Soon Choi
Toss Bank

Korean Toss Bank develops banking services faster and more efficiently by adopting MySQL Enterprise Edition.

Introduction and Background

Toss Bank, a subsidiary of Viva Republica, was the third internet bank to open in Korea in October 2021. They are competing with banks that embrace a wider range of customers through technological innovation by offering the best customer benefits in the financial services market in the country.

Toss Bank is providing innovative financial services, beyond the services of competing internet banks. Such services include credit loans which target mid-to-low-credit borrowers and provide an annual 2% interest rate on Toss Bank accounts.

Toss Bank also provides customers with a convenient and innovative app experience through the bank's 'One App', available to customers and non-customers alike. Many One App users are naturally becoming Toss Bank customers. The app offers the online banking convenience demanded by customers, delivers the cost efficiency needed by the bank, and ensures high security protocols.

Business Challenges & Goals

Toss Bank wanted to build innovative and reliable online banking services for greater customer satisfaction, while also reducing the total cost of ownership of the bank's IT infrastructure. To do so, Toss Bank needed a database that could reduce service downtime and come with 24/7 professional support services.

There was also a need for greater database availability and minimized downtime through a quick response to database failures. In addition to data consistency and fast backups, Toss Bank required the possibility of database restoration to a specific point in time in the event of system errors.

Finally, Toss Bank wanted to gain the ability to run quick diagnostics and identify potentially critical problems before they occur. To minimize data loss and prevent banking services from being threatened by unplanned events, the bank considered it important to easily discover fundamental problems and immediately be able to provide accurate solutions.

Business Results & Metrics

Adopting MySQL Enterprise Edition enabled Toss Bank to build an IT environment with a substantially greater database performance. Using the Thread Pool of MySQL Enterprise Edition, the Toss Bank team could more reliably handle large application loads and maximize the use of limited system resources.

Another immediate benefit of adopting the solution was the superior backup capability of MySQL Enterprise Edition through point-in-time recovery. MySQL Enterprise Backup is the major backup tool in Toss Bank's production environment and has been deployed with multiple backup features tailored to the bank's complex backup requirements.

MySQL Enterprise Edition includes the most comprehensive security features, which Toss Bank could benefit from right away without the need to introduce additional solutions. MySQL Enterprise Audit allows Toss Bank to perform policy-based audits.

Toss Bank uses MySQL Enterprise Monitor for real-time monitoring of dozens of database operations, including proactive alerts that respond to problems before critical issues arise in the system. The MySQL Workbench Monitoring tool serves as a built-in adviser and query analyzer for the potential troubleshooting, enabling the bank's IT team to solve any issues before they impact database operations.

Furthermore, the round-the-clock availability of professional MySQL support is a key achievement for Toss Bank, whose IT team now has 24/7 access to expert support from local MySQL engineers through Oracle Premier Support.

Additionally, Oracle MySQL Enterprise Edition lowered the total cost of ownership of Toss Bank's database platform, which increased the bank's competitiveness.


On its journey to implement MySQL Enterprise Edition, Toss Bank considered multiple solutions. The company wanted to utilize open source software while building its new IT system. For the server operating and database management systems, it was planned to also go with open source systems.

Toss Bank selected MySQL Enterprise Edition due to its superior performance and ease of management. The advanced security features of the solution and the 24/7 access to MySQL Consultative Support as well as Oracle Premier Support were also deciding factors in choosing the solution.

In addition, Toss Bank preferred MySQL Enterprise Edition because of its low cost of deployment, simple maintenance, and reduced total cost of ownership. "Adopting the Oracle MySQL Enterprise Edition solution for its database management allowed us to bring immediate benefits such as lower costs, greater performance, faster backups, and increased security", Yeon Soon Choi concluded.


After working with MySQL Consulting to plan ahead and avoid any IT system disruptions, Toss Bank decided to adopt MySQL Enterprise Edition. The bank rolled out the applications over 16 months.


Oracle Certified Partner RockPLACE was critical to the successful and timely implementation of MySQL Enterprise Edition at Toss Bank.

RockPLACE, along with Oracle Premier Support, helped Toss Bank with consulting, architecture design, development, implementation, user testing, training, and operation preparations.